Yesterday, I went pony hunting. Some people call pony hunting the simple act of going to the local Target or Walmart or Toys’R’Us, checking out the toy aisle, and leaving with something pony related if there’s anything interested. I call that a scouting mission. A true hunt, for me, involves five Targets, five WalMarts, two Toys’R’Us’, one Kohls, three Meijers and five thrift shops. I drive through four cities and travel about an hour away from my house on a hunt. And, now that I don’t have a ‘real’ job, I can do this about once a week!
I love guessing what ponies are inside the store before going in. I love going to the toy aisle and finding where the ponies are. I especially love it when I find the last hard-to-find pony hiding behind the Barbie’s or Littlest Pet Shop. I get this giddy little jolt of happiness when I was right about what gems were hiding in the store.
One Target out of the three I went to yesterday had the Canterlot display. And it was mostly empty! I was surprised that one of the Targets didn’t have it; it’s a Target Greatland and they have a huge amount of toy space! But, I did find the new Rarity’s Carousel Boutique, the Riding Along with Rainbow Dash/Twilight Sparkle/Fluttershy sets, and Applejack’s Farm Truck. But, the creepiest thing I found was the Pinkie Pie Learns to Walk.
So Soft Pinkie Pie "Learns to Walk" from
I was searching for Lily Blossom when I moved in front of the so soft Pinkie Pie. I hear this eerie “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie!” coming from near my feet. I look down and there’s a hideously swollen headed, beak faced monstrosity of a baby doll trying to pass itself off as our cheerful Pinkie Pie. “Look, I can walk!” she proudly declared from within her plastic imprisonment. Thankfully, she was chained to her cardboard high chair and couldn't reach me. This pink imposter had me in her bug eyed trance; I couldn’t get away, no matter how hard I tried. Just as I reached for her to buy her, a little boy came running down the aisle, chasing his sister. They broke the demon-Pinkie’s grip on my wallet by almost running into me. I snagged the Riding Along with Rainbow Dash and got out of there!
To whomever their mother/guardian is, thank you for letting your children run amok in the toy aisle. You saved my house from invasion of psudeo-Pinkie!